Experience Relief: Your Guide to Magic Hug Chiropractor

magic hug dr van

Experience Relief: Your Guide to Magic Hug Chiropractor Ever been hugged so well that you felt a Magic Hug Chiropractor must have been the one to do it? Not just any old hug, but one where tension dissolves, body pain eases and you’re left with a sense of pure relief. That’s the magic we’re diving…

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Navigating Pain Relief with Orange County Chiropractic

smiling chiropractor standing in front of an orange tree

Navigating Pain Relief with Orange County Chiropractic Finding Orange County chiropractic services to help relieve your pain can be stressful, if you don’t know who to turn to. Well, you can relax… especially if you live in Southern California. Huntington Beach Chiropractic features OC’s #1 chiropractor, Dr. Michael Vanderschelden… or Dr. Mike as everyone calls him. …

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Vitamin D3 & K2 The Dynamic Duo

Vitamin D3 & K2 The Dynamic Duo for Bone, Joints and Heart Health Many of us have heard about the wonderful benefits of vitamin D3. Over the past few years, doctors have begun to incorporate this vitamin into patient’s diets as an essential component to living a healthy life. Increased levels of D3 have been…

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Should I buy Organic?

Should I buy Organic? The difference between health and disease is essentially based upon how well our cells are functioning verse those that are not. We are made up of trillions of cells so if a few don’t function properly we wouldn’t even notice, but if enough cells become dysfunctional then symptoms start to develop.…

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Food Is Health

couple cutting fruit in kitchen

Food Is Health Have you ever heard you are what you eat? Chances are you have.  In today’s environment however it is more important than ever. Unfortunately, there are lots of GMOs, pesticides, pollutants everywhere  and inhumane animal farming which creates bioamplification or biomagnification  which means the toxins accumulate faster than the animal can get…

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Preventing Chronic Inflammation

Preventing Chronic Inflammation Preventing Chronic Inflammation Many times throughout the day as we work with our patients we discuss the word inflammation. We consistently use phrases such as “that area is extremely inflamed” “your body is producing an inflammatory response”,” we need to do everything that we can to reduce the inflammation in your body”.…

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) It is important to understand that not all cardio is created equal, which is why it is important to choose a form of cardio that meets your health goals. The purpose of this BLOG is to discuss High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT for short. HIIT describes a form of…

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Does Chiropractic Help Boost Our Immune Systems?

Does Chiropractic Help Boost Our Immune Systems? Many times our patients that have been receiving consistent adjustments are telling us they are not getting sick as often or at all depending upon their lifestyles and adjustment frequency. This is not to say that getting adjustments routinely can be interpreted as never getting sick: rather, it…

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Stop Pain Now

neck pain

Stop Pain Now Consumer Reports June 2016 has a wonderful article titled “Stop Pain Now.”  Millions of people are in pain and seeking relief. The article evaluates what works, what doesn’t, what’s dangerous and how to prevent it in the first place. As structural chiropractors, both Dr. Campagna and Dr. Cooper are focused on finding…

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The Importance of an Radiological Exam

The Importance of an Radiological Exam The Importance of Radiological Exams Lately Dr. Cooper and Campagna have been hearing from people about how they are worried about the effects of radiation and does the benefit outweigh the exposure which is why we want to explain why X-rays are so important. First off, people do not…

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